91问农历今日播报:2025年02月03日 农历正月初六
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更新时间:2025-02-03 14:03:05

  1、Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Nuwa. Her father was Emperor Yan and he loved her. Nuwa often played with her father, so they were very happy.

  2、One day, Nuwa traveled on the sea by boat, but the sea was very rough. Nuwa died in the sea, because the sea destroyed the little boat. Next, she changed into a bird, its name was Jingwei.

  3、Emperor Yan watched Jingwei, because he know she was his daughter. And then, Jingwei flew away. It decided to level up the sea with carpolites. Finally, the sea was very smooth. Heard me℡
